I know that last week Apple launched the iPad 2 in the UK and the queue of at least 300 people outside Exeter's Apple store will attest to this, but I still love my iPad.
I finally decided in December last year to purchase my Ipad, I decided I wanted something to be portable along side my iMac that I could surf wirelessly around the house. I didn't feel that I needed a fully featured Macbook but wanted something that would stand alongside the existing Apple products that I owned. I also realised that an iPad would also make a great presentational tool and a way of bringing documents and short presentations to meetings. Also I felt that I wanted to try out an e-reader and the iPad filled both these roles.
I would alos like to recommend some Apps, literally thousands are available through Apple's App store.
- Evernote
Take notes, save images, create to do lists, view PDFs and more.
You can access and share your evernote notes between all your mobile devices and computers.
You can search and find everything, even printed or handwritten text in images.
- iBooks and Kindle.
Great apps for reading books. Plenty of content here, loads of books to download, both free and paid content. Kindle works on many devices including computers and mobile phones. iBooks allows you to store and read pdf documents easily and comfortably. If I can have one moan about eBooks though, it troubles me that quite a few eBooks cost more than the paperback or hardback version, and why is it that VAT is charged on eBooks?
- Keynote. This iPad version of Apple's presentational software is brilliant. If you have iWork 09 or later you can share keynote presentations prepared on a mac with your Ipad. Also you can create new Keynotes on your iPad and share with you mac. Keynotes can be shared from your iPad via I tunes or mobile me. The presentations created with Keynote look high class and I hope to use them to present treatment options to my patients in the near future.
- Angry Birds. A great way to waste an hour when you are bored!