So I'm sitting by my mac and have decided to write my first blog post of the new year. Last night at the stroke of midnight, 2013 began.
For me 2012 was a bit of year spent in limbo, I don't intend to do the same with 2013. Tomorrow will mark a significant event in moving on.
This year I plan to do things differently. I realise I must enjoy and make the most of every day and live life to its fullest potential.
So I plan to take every opportunity life gives me and run with it. I will appreciate the time I spend with friends and family, and enjoy the adventures that each day will bring.
So what are my plans (don't like resolutions).
- This year to work smarter and harder.
- To be more organised in my business and home life.
- To take and enjoy more leave, if things work out well,I would love to travel to New York and see this amazing city.
- Enjoy my golf and get my handicap down.
- Read at least a book a month.
- Rekindle my interest in photography, this year I didn't really take the opportunity to take enough photographs.
I think I should look back on this every few months and see how I do.