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Sunday, 20 April 2014

Some Dental Reading and websites you may find interesting

It's been a while since I have written on anything dental. In keeping up with my commitments to lifelong learning I'd like to share some books. websites and even podcasts that I have found interesting the last few months.

First up, I'd like to share two blogs by dental business coach Chris Barrow, Chris describes himself as a marmite character either loved or hated by the dental profession. I fall into the former category, I find his writings and presentations to be both thought provoking and challenging. His two blogs can be found on the 7connections website and his personal blog "letters from an imperfectionist" here.

Second, I would like to recommend a book by Ashley Latter. The book is called "You are Worth It." I read this book earlier in the year, it is an easy read and packed with tips and knowledge to help dentists become more confident and to achieve the fees their skill reflects.

This is how Ashley describes his book:-

"Do you sometimes reduce the price of your treatments in your head because you feel your patients cannot afford them? Does talking of money in your surgery make you feel uncomfortable? Are you worried about quoting a price due to the fear you might get a negative response from your patient? Do you feel your services are worth more than you get paid for them? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I promise you will enjoy reading this book."

You kind find a link to Ashley's site here. 

Now two other websites I recommend, first Mark Oborn, Mark offers Dental Marketing, website and SEO consulting for dental practices, he also blogs on this too. His blog can be found here. Also I would like to take the time to recommend Kevin Rose. He is a business coach and writes about business leadership in dentistry, his blog can be found here.

Finally I'd like to write about a podcast, I discovered at the end of last year. The Thriving Dentist Show is broadcast weekly and can be downloaded to your MP3 device. It is presented by American Dental Coach Gary Takacs. It's usual format is that Gary will have an interview with someone who is an expert or respected opinion in a particular area of dentistry. Despite being slightly biased to an American audience, he often has British contributors on the podcast. It's worth a listen and is available here.

Easter Sunday Walk

I love going for  walk in town on Easter Sunday. It's always interesting because it is the one day each year all the shops close. Town was pretty much deserted , so I walked through Princesshay and the Cathedral Green with my camera and dog Woody in tow. Here are some photographs taken today.

It was a bit grey and cold after two days of bright sunshine but still was worth the visit. A chance to reflect and enjoy some peace and calm on Easter Sunday morning.